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[Python] Comprehensive Guide to Using "if"

by 꾀돌이 개발자 2024. 7. 24.



Using "if" in Python




Table of Contents


    * Code is basically composed of <input # output> format.


    Basic Form (1): if

    if condition:
    • If the condition is True (or 1), the statement is executed.
    • If the condition is False (or 0), the statement is not executed.
    if True:
        print('if statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if False:
        print('if statement executed')
    # Output:


    Basic Form (2): if else

    if condition:
    • If the condition is True (or 1), the statement in the "if" block is executed.
    • If the condition is False (or 0), the statement in the "else" block is executed.
    if 1:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if 0:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: else statement executed


    Basic Form (3): if elif else

    if condition:
    elif condition:
    elif condition:
    • If a condition in "if" or "elif" is True (or 1), the corresponding statement is executed.
    • If all conditions are False (or 0), the statement in the "else" block is executed.
    • Starting from the top, only the first "if" or "elif" block with a True (or 1) condition is executed.
    a = 0
    if a == 0:
        print('if statement executed')
    elif a == 1:
        print('elif statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    a = 1
    if a == 0:
        print('if statement executed')
    elif a == 1:
        print('elif statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: elif statement executed
    a = 2
    if a == 0:
        print('if statement executed')
    elif a == 1:
        print('elif statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: else statement executed
    a = 3
    if a == 0:
        print('if statement executed')
    elif a == 1:
        print('first elif statement executed')
    elif a == 2:
        print('second elif statement executed')
    elif a == 3:
        print('third elif statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: third elif statement executed


    Types of Conditions: Existence of Elements in an Object

    • Here, an object typically refers to a string, list, tuple, or dictionary.
    • If there is at least one element in the object, it evaluates to True.
    • If there are no elements, it evaluates to False.
    if 'abc':
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if '':
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: else statement executed
    if [1, 2, 3]:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if []:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: else statement executed


    Types of Conditions: in, not in

    • Here, an object typically refers to a string, list, tuple, or dictionary.
    • element in object: Evaluates to True if the specific element exists within the object, otherwise evaluates to False.
    • element not in object: Evaluates to True if the specific element does not exist within the object, otherwise evaluates to False.
    if 'a' in 'abc':
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if 'k' in 'abc':
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: else statement executed
    if 6 not in [1, 2, 3]:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if 1 not in [1, 2, 3]:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: else statement executed


    Types of Conditions: Comparison Operators (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=)

    • Here, values typically refer to numbers or strings.
    • value1 == value2: True if the two values are equal, False if they are not.
    • value1 != value2: True if the two values are different, False if they are the same.
    • value1 > value2: True if value1 is greater than value2, False if it is less than or equal to value2.
    • value1 >= value2: True if value1 is greater than or equal to value2, False if it is less than value2.
    • value1 < value2: True if value1 is less than value2, False if it is greater than or equal to value2.
    • value1 <= value2: True if value1 is less than or equal to value2, False if it is greater than value2.
    • object1 is object2: True if object1 and object2 are the same, False if they are different.
    • object1 is not object2: True if object1 and object2 are different, False if they are the same.
    • Value Comparison: == and != check if two values are equal or not (e.g., do the characters match? Is the numerical value the same?). These operators are recommended for simple value comparisons.
    • Object Comparison: is and is not check if the objects themselves are the same, considering data type, memory address, etc. These operators are generally used for equality comparison of objects created through classes.
    • Example: 3 == 3.0 returns True because the values are equal, but 3 is 3.0 returns False because the data type and memory address are different.
    if 'abc' == 'abc':
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if 'abc' != 'abc':
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: else statement executed
    if 3 >= 2:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if 3 < 2:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: else statement executed
    if 3 is 3.0:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: else statement executed


    Types of Conditions: Logical Operators (and, or, not)

    • condition1 and condition2: True if both condition1 and condition2 are True, otherwise False.
    • condition1 or condition2: True if either condition1 or condition2 is True, otherwise False.
    • not condition: True if the condition is False, False if the condition is True.
    • and and or can be used to connect multiple conditions.
    • Example: condition1 and condition2 or condition3 and condition4 or condition5 and condition6 ...
    if 1 == 1 and 'kkk' not in 'abc':
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if 5 == 1 and 'kkk' not in 'abc':
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: else statement executed
    if 5 == 1 or 'kkk' not in 'abc':
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if not 5 == 1:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    if 1 == 1 and 2 == 2 and 3 == 3:
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed


    Conditional Expression in if Statement

    (statement if True) if (condition) else (statement if False)
    if 'a' in 'abc':
        print('if statement executed')
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed
    print('if statement executed') if 'a' in 'abc' else print('else statement executed')
    # Output: if statement executed


    To Leave the Statement Empty: pass

    • When pass is used in place of a statement, nothing happens even if the condition is met.
    if 1 == 1:
        print('else statement executed')
    # Output:

